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SPaG target

Imperative Verbs

Writing link

I can use imperative verbs to make things clear to the reader

SPaG objective 1: I can write imperative sentences

Activity: Question to Command

Aim: Show the pupils a variety of questions and requests. Highlight the punctuation used: ? Then move on to explain what an imperative sentence is: a sentence that gives a command or an order, and often sounds bossy. Highlight how the verb does this: imperative verbs. Then move on to a variety of scenarios that need instructions: getting ready for PE, cooking beans on toast, what happens if the fire alarm rings etc. Again, highlight and discuss the imperative verbs. Then ask: do you think you can turn a variety of questions into commands, adding the imperative verbs to create your own imperative sentences?

Resources required: Question list

SPaG objective 2: I can choose appropriate imperative verbs to suit an adverb opener and sentence

Activity: Be The Boss!

Aim: Congratulations you are now the BOSS! The boss of these sentences (show instructions as bullet points linked to class text or topic, with the imperative verbs missing). Everything is in order: adverb openers, bullet points — there’s only one thing missing — those bossy verbs. Over to you, boss! Use this opportunity to discuss choosing appropriate verbs to suit the sentence.

Resources required: 'Be The Boss!' sheet

FINAL OBJECTIVE: I can choose appropriate imperative verbs to suit an adverb opener and sentence

Activity: Write It Right

Aim: Show the pupils a comic strip or pictures of a routine or operation that needs instructions: crossing the road at the lights, checking in at the airport, building a sandcastle (You name it! Even better if this is linked to a topic or text). Then explain that what is missing here is a list with bullet points, adverb openers and imperative verbs. Can you complete the list to match the pics? This is also a great opportunity to meet the writing target: I can write clear and precise labels and captions for diagrams and can set as pre task for the pictures.

Resources required: Template sheet