What am I teaching?

SPaG target

Working towards paragraphs

Writing link

I can write more than one sentence about an idea

SPaG objective 1: I can group sentences based on their content

Activity: Sentence Sorter

Aim: Pupils organise sentences into short paragraphs

Resources required: 2/3 short paragraphs linked to a text or topic, scissors (optional), paragraph sheet

SPaG objective 2: I can recognise mismatched sentences about an idea, thing, character or setting

Activity: Match it! Snatch it

Aim: Pupils to locate sentences (highlight/underline/circle) that are in the wrong paragraphs and then move them back to the correct ones

Resources required: 2/3 short paragraphs linked to a text or topic with all of the sentences mixed up. Blank template sheet to rewrite the short paragraphs correctly

SPaG objective 3: I can fill in gaps with sentences about an idea, thing, character or setting

Activity: Sentence Dentist

Aim: Pupils to add sentences to paragraphs, ensuring that what they include is linked to the content. To scaffold the task: ‘noun’ clues can be included.

Resources required: 2/3 short paragraphs about an image linked to a text or topic with gaps that miss out key information

SPaG objective 4: I can comment on the effectiveness of simple paragraphs

Activity: Go Compare

Aim: Pupils to compare two short pieces of writing (both pieces linked to their text/topic). One piece will have well-constructed short paragraphs; the other piece will not. Children will take part in a short analysis task commenting on the effect this has on the reader. This is also a good opportunity to weave in some of the other SPaG objectives from the unit.

Resources required: Two pieces of text that focus on description: one for setting and one for character

FINAL objective: I can write more than one sentence about an idea, thing, character or setting

Activity: That Makes Sense

Aim: Pupils to write more than one sentence about an image: character or setting. This can be scaffolded using the ‘Sense Sheet’. What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell? What can you touch? What can you taste? How does this setting make you/others feel?

Resources required: Picture of character / setting linked to text or topic, sense sheet