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SPaG target

Using prepositions

Writing link

I can use prepositions: inside, outside, towards, across, under

SPaG objective 1: I can recognise the preposition in a sentence

Activity: Code Crackers

Aim: Pupils are given a set of sentences (can be read to them). What word is the preposition?

Resources required: Sentences to code crack (related to the text/topic), Code Cracker resources

SPaG objective 2: I can identify the prepositions in a short paragraph

Activity: Mission Preposition

Aim: Now can you find the prepositions in this short setting / character description?

Resources required: Short character / setting description

SPaG objective 3: I can group prepositions: location or direction

Activity: Sort it Out!

Aim: Pupils are give sets of prepositions: location and direction all mixed together. The classroom / or a piece of paper can be split in half. Then the pupils have to sort them correctly.

Resources required: Sets of prepositions: location and direction

SPaG objective 4: I can choose appropriate prepositions from a word bank/list to match a visual cue

Activity: You Choose

Aim: Show pupils a variety of pictures. Can you state the correct preposition? Highlight the difference between location and direction. Plenary: get outside with a camera and ask pupils to create (and name) their own preposition pictures.

Resources required: Word bank of prepositions: location and direction, pictures that need words

SPaG objective(s) 5: I can recognise mismatched prepositions and match them correctly & I can add appropriate prepositions to a picture

Activity: Find it. Fix it!

Aim: Show pupils a picture sheet with the wrong prepositions pinned to each picture. Oh no! Someone has filled in this sheet incorrectly, and it was on the internet for all to see. Can you find the problems and replace the wrong prepositions with the right ones? Then I can upload it as a good example.

Resources required: WABOLL style sheet

FINAL objective: I can use prepositions: inside, outside, towards, across, under

Activity: See it. Say it. Write it!

Aim: Show pupils a picture of a character or a setting linked to the text / topic. What prepositions do you see? Say them. Now write them in a sentenceā€¦ or three!

Resources required: Image of character or setting