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SPaG target

Punctuating different sentences correctly

Writing link

I can begin to punctuate sentences, using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark

SPaG objective 1: I can capitalise the sentence starters and proper nouns

Activity: The Punctuation Thief

Aim: Can you add all of the capital letters that the Punctuation Thief has stolen?

Resources required: Punctuation Thief template and an extract from the text / topic

SPaG objective 2: I can recognise where one sentence ends and another one begins, adding a full stop and a capital letter correctly

Activity: Keep it Simple

Aim: Can you add a full stop after each complete thought? Don’t forget the capital letters. This is a good opportunity to review simple sentences and what a complete thought is.

Resources required: Short descriptive paragraph with missing punctuation

SPaG objective 3: I can group sentences: statement, command, question, exclamation

Activity: Sentence Run!

Aim: Pupils are split into teams. Each team is given a bucket of mixed sentences: statement, command, question, exclamation. In a large space there are four hoops with the correct labels: statement, command, question, exclamation. When it is their turn, the pupil/s have to drop the correct sentence in the correct hoop.

Resources required: Hoops, buckets, sentences

SPaG objective 4: I can punctuate simple single sentences: statement, command, question, exclamation

Activity: Which One?

Aim: Game show event. Teacher reads out loud a sentence. In each corner of the room there are the titles: statement, command, question, exclamation. Pupils hear the sentence and then move to the correct title. If they get it wrong, they sit down. Who will be the last one standing?

Resources required: Title cards and sentences

FINAL objective: I can begin to punctuate sentences, using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark

Activity: Colour Splash

Aim: Oh no! The page has changed to grey and all of the punctuation has run away! Can you help by adding some colour? We need lots of it and the best way. We must punctuate! Pupils add all of the missing punctuation (in colour) to a character / setting description. This can be scaffolded through clues for one type of punctuation to support if need be: eg, everything underlined needs a full stop etc.

Resources required: Character / setting description