What am I teaching?

SPaG target

Making appropriate word choices

Writing link

I can use some basic descriptive language — colour, size, simple emotions

I can make appropriate word choices from word banks, class lists and sentence openers

SPaG objective 1: I can recognise the noun and the adjective in a sentence

Activity: Sentence Detectives

Aim: Pupils use their magnifying glasses to locate the noun and the adjective in each descriptive sentence . They can underline, circle…you name it! Why not created a colour-coded key? This is a good opportunity to include different nouns (common, proper, pronoun) and to vary the adjectives: colour, size, simple emotion

Resources required: Several sentences linked to the topic or text, Investigation sheet

SPaG objective 2: I can identify the nouns and adjectives in a short paragraph

Activity: Treasure Hunt

Aim: Pupils read a short paragraph in a set amount of time. They must find all of the nouns and adjectives before the time is up. To scaffold: adult can read; pupils shout stop to jot! Can you then sort the words into the correct treasure chests?

Resources required: Simple paragraph/s linked to the topic or text, pirate map

SPaG objective 3: I can group adjectives: colour, size, emotion

Activity: Group in a Hoop

Aim: Pupils are given sets of adjectives: colour, size, emotion all mixed together. There are three hoops on the carpet or on each table. Can they group them in the right hoop before the time is up?

Resources required: Sets of words: colour, size, emotion

SPaG objective 4: I can recognise mismatched adjectives in sentences and match them correctly

Activity: Lost Words

Aim: Pupils are shown a picture of a setting or character. Teacher tells the pupils that there are several sentences below. The problem? The adjectives have been mixed up. Can you find the lost words (adjectives) and reunite them with their rightful owners (nouns)?

Resources required: Picture of setting or character

Final objective 1: I can make appropriate word choices (adjectives, nouns) to a picture or sound using a word bank/list

Activity: Word Darts

Aim: Pupils are shown a picture of a setting or character. Teacher tells the pupils what word dart they need: noun or adjective (this can be developed by adding verbs, adverbs and prepositions). Then it’s time to throw. What did you throw? Word darts can then be written around the picture in different colours.

Resources required: Picture of setting or character

FINAL objective 2: I can use some basic descriptive language — colour, size, simple emotions

Activity: Be Free

Aim: Pupils are shown a picture of a setting or character. Teacher highlights the empty lines that need filling with description. Pupils add phrases and sentences about the image. Clues can be used: colour, size, emotion to guide the writing.

Resources required: Picture of setting or character