Session 7

Learning targets

I can use logical reasoning to explain how simple algorithms work

I can code a story independently


Play children the ‘Storytelling Animation’ project. As they watch, encourage them to talk about it – how has it been created? What 'sprites' will there be? How many backdrops were there?

Share the story link on Seesaw. Make sure all pupils can see the story on their iPads.

Once they all have the story so far (it is only the beginning of a story) open on their own computers, ask them to prepare to remix by clicking on the ‘See Inside’ button.

Ask for alternatives to the speech used in the story. Talk about using logic and the importance of sequence correctly. Write some of the better ideas on the whiteboard or share on Seesaw. Ask the pupils to work in partners to change the speech in the story.

Ask for 2 or 3 example algorithms to be mirrored on the screen for feedback. Ask which other blocks/commands they could change and what they would/could change them to.

Cats and dogs

Tell the children they are going to have some independent practice with character interaction.

Share the link on Seesaw (

Give them time to work through levels 1 - 5. Once they get to 6, they can be creative and make their own stories up.

Again, share good examples over Airplay and have children receive feedback.


On Tynker under 'Create New Project' and 'Storytelling', those children who are ready can have a look at at how stories can 'move on' with code. The 'Slideshow' project starts with a tutorial that children can customise and make their own. Further to this, children could begin to code their own stories from scratch, using what they have learnt.

Key questions

  • How was this project made?

  • What sprites/actors were used?

  • How many backdrops were there?

  • What do we mean by 'logical reasoning'

  • What is similar about code used for stories?

  • What changed in the programs?

  • What do you do when something does not make sense?

  • What would you do if you wanted to add a new character?

  • What happens if you change one of the blocks?

  • What haven’t you tried yet?