Session 1

Learning targets

I can follow a basic set of instructions

I know that an algorithm is a set of step by step instructions used to carry out a task, in a specific order

Unplugged activity

  • Talk about and show some examples of instructions

  • Explain and/or demonstrate why order is so important

  • Pretend you are a robot and ask the children to suggest the commands needed to ________________ (eg take something to the bin and return). Children could write these on a whiteboard

  • Do the same using one of the children as the robot

  • Explain that when commands to carry out a task are in the correct order, we call this an algorithm

  • Put the children in groups of 4-6

  • Give each group an orienteering card, a matching set of discs and something to write on and/or with

  • Children then set up their discs to match the cones

  • "How do you get from blue to red?" (teachers could suggest this or children could work independently)

  • Once an algorithm is suggested (and recorded) one child tests it out

  • Repeat for different questions like, "How do you get from green to yellow?"

  • To extend the activity, one child could be blindfolded and given commands to follow

Key questions

• Which cone did you have in mind?

• Did the ‘human Bee-Bot’ reach it?

• Did the ‘human Bee-Bot’ turn on the spot and not move in the direction of the turn?

• Did you remember to give clear instructions?

• Did you wait until you were told to ‘Go’?

• Did you direct your partner(s) to where you were meant to?