"What heaven can be more real than to retain the spirit-world of childhood?" Beatrix Potter.

Welcome to Potters Class.

The class is led by Mrs Piper in partnership with Miss Webster, Mrs Williamson and Miss Noble.

Potters curriculum MTP Aut 2021- Y2 only (2).docx

Potters I I I Autumn 2021 - Y2 only.docx

Key Information


P.E. with Mrs Williamson in the afternoon.

Please could the P.E. kit be kept in at home however, currently, P.E. kit (including a warm top) and trainers can be worn on P.E. day instead of uniform.

How can I help my child at home?

Practice quick mathematical calculations, for example number bonds to 10 and 20, counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and counting in odd and even numbers.

Practice target timetables (2's, 5's & 10's; with corresponding division facts).

Homework: Use the Doodle maths, spelling, times table and spelling site, each child has their own log in details. Approximately 10 minutes per day is sufficient.

Read regularly with your child and ask questions about what they have read.

Practice Year 2 common exception words from the lists below (Year 1 also listed).

Y 1 & 2 common exception words.docx