How To Contact Mrs. Strzepek


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About Mrs. Strzepek

My name is Cate and I am very excited to return as the music teacher here at Stellar Elementary!

I grew up in a small town called Elizabeth, Colorado and music has always been apart of my life. I started singing in church choirs as a child and began piano lessons at age 9. I played clarinet in band from 6th-12th grade and sang in choirs all throughout high school. When I graduated, I went to the University of Northern Colorado to study music education. I graduated from there in 2011 with a Bachelors of Music Education with an emphasis in singing. After graduation I began my teaching career in Adams 12 and have been in the district ever since. This year I begin my 11th year of teaching!

I am an active member of the Rocky Mountain Orff chapter and have taken all three levels of Orff Schulwerk training. Click here to learn more about Orff Schulwerk.