With the support from the Five Star Foundation, Raz's Resource Outlet is a free community resource with clothes, food, household items and school supplies for our students and their families in need.

Con el apoyo de Five Star Foundation, Raz's Resource Outlet es una recurso comunitario gratuito con ropa, alimentos, artículos para el hogar y útiles escolares para nuestros estudiantes y sus familias que lo necesiten. 


Our Mission

Our mission is simple. In partnership with Five Star Foundation, Raz's Resource Outlet wants to support our community by providing food, clothing, household items and school supplies for our students and their families in need free of cost. 

These items range from food and snacks that are available for students to consume here at school, to canned goods and packages of shelf stable food that are available to be taken home by students and families.  In addition, we also have personal care products, household cleaning supplies, clothing, baby supplies as well as some bedding.  We are aiming to create a seamless, sustainable process for families who are in need.

Ready to Shop?

 Call or stop by the front office! 

Unable to come in and shop? Call the office and we can fill an order for you! 


If you and your family can benefit from any of these items, or if you have questions, please reach out to our front office 720-972-5580.