Gifted and Talented

Mountain Range High School and Northglenn High School

Gifted and Talented Advocate: Ms.  Seckendorf

"What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning." -Chuck Grassley


Working together we will achieve the vision where giftedness and high potential are fully recognized, universally valued, and actively nurtured to support children from all backgrounds in reaching for their personal best and contributing to their communities.  --NAGC

All Gifted students will accomplish challenging post-secondary work/force goals and become productive, creative citizens capable of succeeding in their area of strength. --CDE 


Our mission is to serve the academic needs of gifted and advanced learners, while supporting their unique social-emotional needs in a nurturing environment. We are dedicated to providing instruction that challenges and motivates gifted and talented (GT) learners to achieve at an optimal level. Programming is based on gifted best practices and is designed to help students navigate their growth and develop their full potential. --NAGC

Ensure gifted student growth and achievement through systems of support, programming, and advocacy. --CDE 


-Collaborate with students to help make their high school experience meaningful, enriching, and relevant and to build on strengths and brainstorm for solutions when weaknesses come up.

-Collaborate with parents to help them understand their students better and work in partnership to build on their student's strengths. 

-Collaborate with teachers to brainstorm ways to better serve gifted learners in the classroom and build on what our wonderful teachers already do.

To Reach Me: 


Mountain Range High School: 720-972-6394/Blue Conference Room (upstairs) Thursdays/Fridays

Northglenn High School: 720-972-2744/Office: 314B (next to counseling) Mondays/ Tuesdays