
Recent Entries

Expectation vs. Reality: The Pros and Cons of an MBA as an Entrepreneur

Deciding whether or not to pursue an MBA is often a difficult one. I have personally faced this challenge. In this article we discuss:

  • Expectations of an MBA Graduate

  • Realities of an MBA Graduate

The Low-Stress Guide to Business Expenses When Starting Out

Starting a business is an expensive endeavor, no matter what. This article explores a few ways to build a strong financial position:

  1. Protect Your Assets.

  2. Unavoidable (and Vital) Expenses

  3. Flexible Expenses

Check Fraud: Detect and Avoid

Printing checks is as easy as 1,2,3.

  1. You need the account number.

  2. Your need the routing number.

  3. Costco website.

It’s amazing how easy it is to order checks and anyone can do it, especially the scammers. One popular way scammers get their victims is through job sites like Craigslist or even Zip Recruiter. Don’t get me wrong, I really Craigslist. It’s a great classified ads system. However, if you are new to it and not familiar with scams, always double check.

Emotional, Financial and Business Support

A hug a day keeps the therapists away

I am big on ensuring that our family has the perfect balance of emotional and financial support. I hug my wife each day to ensure that she feels that emotional support from me and I definitely feel it from her. I also know that in a family, financial support (Bread-winning) is just as important.

A business is much like the family. You spend one third of your life around co workers and another one sixth of it traveling to spend that time. It should be worth the time!

I pride my self on the ability to make the workplace a comfortable one through the support services I provide.

Phishing Scams

What is "Phishing"?

Its actually pronounced "fishing" as the image illustrates. It is the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.