Favorite Quote: "SingING is the maximum expression of who we are" UNKNOWN


Name:  Daniela Arteaga

Years in Education: 5

Professional/Qualifications & Experience:

Fun Facts

I am from La Paz. I started singing since I was 4 years in the Children's Choir with Vicky Lanza and since then I decided I wanted to make art my life. I also dance since I was a child so I could say that I dedicated myself completely to the performing arts. I love to travel and keep learning. 

I think that singing is the most complete way to express our emotions and especially know ourselves. An anecdote that I will never forget is to have won the singing contest organized by the Julio Bocca School in Buenos Aires in 2012.

I always had the dream of becoming a singing teacher. With my friend and coworker Vanessa Alcazar  we own Despertar Producciones a Musical theater and singing school.