IB Diploma Programme
Subject Information
(For 2024 Intake)

APRIL 2023

Dear Parents and Students,

This IBDP subject information has been collated to help families make the best possible subject choices for Years 5 and 6. Choices made now will affect subsequent university courses as well as, ultimately, future jobs and career pathways.

Students will need to consider each option carefully in discussion with teachers and parents before making a final selection.  Once chosen, students are expected to commit themselves to the courses and to see them through to examination in 2025. Subject changes are only permitted up to three weeks after the courses begin for January 2024 intake. 

In making their choices, students must consider their strengths and weaknesses, their interests and possible future plans. Choosing a particular subject because someone else in the family or circle of friends thinks it is a good idea is unwise. Students should spend time reading the course requirements and outlines in this booklet carefully, discussing their options with teachers and also their parents.  

Please note the following points:

Finally, students are reminded to spend time talking to teachers, researching possible career pathways for recommended subject choices, attending the IBDP Information Session, and making considered choices in conjunction with their parents before submitting their application by the due date.

On behalf of all the staff at ACS (International) we wish you all the best as you determine your IB subjects.

Gavin Kinch

ACS (International)