Your student will need to use their Acero Schools email and password to login to Google Classroom on a daily basis. Each teacher has their own Google Classroom. This is where students will receive and complete all their work and assignments. Each teacher has their own Google Classroom code which can be found on the Contact page of this website. You will need this code to sign in for the first time. Then, Google Classroom will automatically link to your student's Acero account.

Clever is a single-sign on application that allows young students to easily access their computers and webpages. Clever gives each student a QR code that helps them to log on to their Chromebook and takes them to a special homepage, designed by their classroom teacher. On this homepage, classroom teachers will provide easy click links to all the websites that students may use during online learning.

Your student has an Acero Schools email address and password through Google. They will receive emails through Gmail. Their Gmail address and password are the same ones that they will use to log into Google Classroom and Google Meets.