比賽在2020年7月下旬展開,是婦女基金會首次以視像形式舉辦Hackathon。GGT 計劃與彭博合辦此項目,旨在進一步裝備GGT女生的編程技能及建立她們對學習STEM的信心。
比賽為期三星期,60位GGT女生,組成15 支隊伍,參加了一系列的視像培訓課程和自學課程。她們學習如何以應用程式開發平台 Thunkable 來製作不同的AI應用程式,包括溫習小助手、作文小幫手、智能翻譯機、物件偵測器。
各隊伍運用學到的應用程式製作和編程技能,同時在彭博義工們的建議和協助下,創建她們獨特的人工智能手機應用程式,以解決因新型冠狀病毒所帶來的日常生活問題。本會邀請公眾透過GGT Instagram專頁 (www.intagram.com/ggt.hk) 投選最佳應用程式,獲得最高票數的作品贏得「最具網絡人氣大獎」。
是次比賽的視像概念演示日已於2020年8月15日舉行,各學生隊伍都向評判們介紹其應用程式的意念及完成作品。評判團由彭博、HKT Education及本會代表組成,根據作品意念、實行性、創新性及演繹技巧選出得獎作品。
To further equip the GGT participants with coding skills and build their confidence in STEM, TWF’s first-ever virtual Hackathon was launched in July 2020, as part of the GGT Programme, co-organised by Bloomberg.
Over the course of three weeks, 60 GGT participants - divided into 15 student teams - joined a series of virtual workshops and self-directed courses. Students learned how to use app-builder Thunkable and how to create different types of AI application elements including pronunciation, writing, translation and image recognition.
With advice and support form Bloomberg’s volunteers, participants used what they learned during the virtual workshops to develop a unique AI app, aimed at solving an everyday problem arising from COVID-19. TWF’s network and the wider public were invited to vote for the best app via GGT’s Instagram page (www.intagram.com/ggt.hk). The project with the most votes won the Netizen’s Choice Award.
A Virtual Pitch Day was held on 15 August 2020, during which each team pitched their ideas and final apps to a panel of judges from Bloomberg, HKT Education and TWF, who selected the winning projects based on criteria including: Project Idea, Implementation, Innovation and Creativity, and Presentation Skills.
We couldn’t be more proud of the creativity, collaboration and innovation demonstrated by the apps that each team created. A warm congratulations to all the winners, participants and our deep thanks to Bloomberg, their volunteers, and to the judges for their time and support.