Our Services
Academic Coaching
We provide excellent one on one academic coaching services for students from Kindergarten through College. Sessions include specific subject help, organization assistance, study skills instruction, and general academic support, all at a standard rate of $45 per hour.
Tutor On Call
Do you or your student need a bit of help, but not necessarily a full hour at a time? Tutor on Call is for you! For a subscription rate of $75 a week, you receive up to four 15 minute sessions (either scheduled in advance, or at the convenience of both coach and student) and unlimited assistance via text within 12 hours, all with a dedicated coach. As a bonus, you also get an hourly discount on any full-length coaching sessions you may schedule at high-need times, like during midterms or finals.
Study Groups
Students can sign up in groups of 2-8 to work regularly with a coach and their peers on homework and study skills. Hourly rates start at $6.50 per student for a group of 8, and go up to $20 per student for a group of 2. Don't have a group already? Let us know what you're looking for (grade, subject matter, or both) and we'll try to match you up with students with similar needs!
Email us at: info@AcademiCoachMN.org