Registration Information for 2024-2025

Registration Schedule of Events

Selecting Classes in PowerSchool

This video gives step by step instructions for selecting your course requests in PowerSchool.  The portal is open for students February 5 - February 11.  Starting February 12 Ms. Carter will meet individually with each student for course selection and planning.  

ABSS Registration Manual

The 2024-2025 Registration Manual includes the following information about each course: the course name and number, course description, units of credit and prerequisites. Also included in this book is information about each school, each program, graduation requirements, and other relevant information that will be useful throughout high school. It is important for you and your parent/guardian to read through this registration book in its entirety. The choices you make in high school can and will affect your future. A conversation with your parent/guardian, school counselor and teachers will help you make a sound and hopefully easier decision as to which courses best fit your plans, as well as help you graduate and be prepared for a successful future.