Autism Society of North Carolina


  • Organization name: Autism Society of North Carolina

  • Purpose/mission: The Autism Society of North Carolina improves the lives of individuals with autism, supports their families, and educates communities. Our vision is to be the trusted partner for all people with autism as they lead fulfilling lives. We respect and value the uniqueness of all individuals with autism; when provided the opportunity, each person can make a unique contribution to their family, community, and society.

  • Population served: Individuals with autism and their families, loved ones, and communities

  • Services/programs/resources offered:

      • Employment Supports

          • Job Skills, Preferred Activities, and Vocational Assessments: Our employment supports staff is trained in assessing and supporting the exploration of an individual’s skills and interests.

          • Job Development: Our staff is skilled in teaching individuals how to find and be hired for jobs that suit them, including providing support in tasks such as interviewing, creating a resume, and networking. We work with employers and individuals to ensure successful matches.

          • On-the-Job Training: For those who have a job, our staff supports individuals in learning the skills involved, learning a skill that is added to the requirements, and maintaining employment. Training on soft skills such as interactions with co-workers and supervisors is also included.

          • Long-Term Training and Support: Our staff is trained to implement the state and federally funded long-term training and support services. These services are also available as private-pay options. ASNC’s staff collaborates with each individual and his or her treatment team to develop and implement a long-term, individualized plan to achieve maximum independence and maintain the job.

          • JobTIPS: Free 12-week courses are available in Fayetteville, Greensboro, and Raleigh to help individuals gain the necessary skills to gain employment.

      • Clinical Services

          • LifeLong Interventions (LLI) is comprehensive treatment for children and adults. It is rooted in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and involves effective instruction using evidence-based practices to promote meaningful skills and behaviors in the home, school, and community.

          • Rapid Response Clinical Consult (RRCC) is a short-term consultation service for children and adults with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Areas addressed with parents/caregivers might include: enhancing structure, organizing and planning the day, quick tips/strategies to address social communication and other skill areas, and behavior intervention strategies. This service is not intended to address extreme forms of problem behavior or mental health crisis. It is not a replacement for a formal Behavior Support Plan. RRCC is available throughout all 100 North Carolina counties, as the service is delivered via telehealth. RRCC

          • Behavioral Consultations: Clinical Department staff are available in some regions to offer strategies that autism self-advocates, parents, caregivers, and professionals can apply to prevent challenging behavior and to teach and reinforce relevant skills. This consultative service may be provided within the home, community, or educational contexts.

          • Training & Coaching: Our team also provides workshops and on-site coaching for professionals.

      • Skill-Building & Support: We are an accredited provider of Medicaid services throughout the lifespan, including the Innovations Waiver, IPRS, and Vocational Rehabilitation. ASNC is an in-network provider with all of the LME/MCOs that manage behavioral health needs in NC. For more information on which services you may qualify for, contact your local LME/MCO using this directory. We also offer private-pay options.

      • Respite

      • Social Recreation: Through camps, afterschool programs, recreational respite, adult programs, and social groups, individuals on the autism spectrum improve their social and communication skills, peer networks, and physical well-being. Staff are trained to understand their needs and help them reach new goals.

      • Chapters/Support Groups: We have more than 50 Chapters and eight Hispanic autism support groups around the state. They are led by generous parents or family member volunteers who join together with other concerned individuals to create a welcoming and inclusive community of support for individuals with autism and their families. ASNC Chapters support, promote, and extend the mission, vision and values of the Autism Society of North Carolina. They are the “front porch” for our statewide organization in the community.

      • Autism Resource Specialists are available to help families in every county of North Carolina. They are all parents of children or adults with autism themselves, so they have firsthand knowledge and a unique understanding of what you are going through. They also are trained professionals with many years of experience.

      • Advocacy

  • Costs/requirements to participate:

      • Many resources and events are free

      • Other costs and requirements are dependent upon service/program

  • How families can access more information if interested in pursuing: