4CP1 English

Self Unit


    • Hamlet by William Shakespeare
    • Crashing Through by Robert Kurson

Self Unit Essential Questions:

    1. What is identity?
    2. What choices most significantly shape one’s identity?
    3. How do an individual’s choices affect the people and events around him or her?
    4. What part of one’s identity is within one’s control? What is outside of one’s control?

Previous Units

Family Unit


    • "Scrubs" Season 1, Episode 19, “My Old Man”
    • My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
    • All My Sons by Arthur Miller

Family Unit Essential Questions:

    1. What do individual family members need from and owe to each other and what happens when those expectations are not met?
    2. How, when, and why do we choose between responsibility to ourselves and responsibility to our family members?
    3. What strengths and weaknesses arise out of family conflict and stress?
    4. What is a family dynamic and how does the family dynamic affect the family as whole as well as individual members of the family?
    5. What roles do families develop or create for their members? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having these roles?

Community Unit


Community Unit Essential Questions:

  1. What are the responsibilities of the individual to his or her community and vice versa?
      • What should you do for your community?
      • What should your community do for you?
  2. What happens when an individual faces competing demands from two communities to which he or she belongs?
    • How should a person choose which community to be loyal to?
  3. What happens when the demands of the community are in opposition to the individual’s beliefs?
    • What do you do when your community asks you to do something you disagree with?

Choice Book Resources

For your choice book you will read for 2 hours each week. You will fill out the update from on Tuesday's (just a check in on progress) and Friday's (the reading due date & discussion day).


Midyear Exam Resources

    • Exam overview & list of works (includes materials for creating an individual study guide)
    • The best review materials are the materials from each unit. Extra copies of stories & class notes can be found under "unit materials" for each unit.