Tullos Twinkles
Tullos Twinkles
Thursday 23rd January 5.00-6.30pm
We are looking for volunteers to help run this fun event. Are you free? If so, please contact the School Office.
Tullos Twinkles, a gathering of cosy delights; Books, Burgers, Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows and a Firepit. There will also be lots more for your family to enjoy!
You can contact the School Office by popping in past, by Xpressions, by Tel 01224 876621 or by email: TullosPrimary@aberdeencity.gov.uk
Tullos Tells All
Tullos Tells All
Get a look at what we have been up to in Term 2!
Fun in the Snow
Fun in the Snow
Art Showcase
Art Showcase
Some of our budding young artists showing their wonderful efforts
Lego Club Creation
Lego Club Creation