P7 Residential 2025
Loch Insh 5th-7th March 2025
Please ensure you have:
Completed the V4 form with emergency contacts - V4 Form - Loch Insh 2025
Completed the Ski hire information form - Ski Hire Form 2025
Completed the Medication form (each child requires a painkiller along with a completed medical form):- Medication Form - Loch Insh 2025
Things to remember:
Medication is to be handed into the school office (clearly labelled) on Monday 3rd or Tuesday 4th March.
All medication and wallet/purse will be returned at the end of the trip in pupils' luggage.
Pupils may wear their leavers hoodies for travel and social time but will not be wearing it for the activities.
Mobile phones/electronics/smart watches are NOT to be taken.
If any pupil would like to take a small snack to eat during any social/down time (this is not necessary) please ensure they do not contain any nuts. Pupils will be provided with 2 refreshment breaks each day of a drink and biscuits and an opportunity to visit the shop on the last day where they can buy treats and souvenirs.
Wednesday 5th March
8.30/45 Pupils are to arrive at school, register in the Community Lounge, via the fire exit door at the front of the school, hand in wallet/purse and go to the toilet. Parents are to stay outside of the school.
9.00 Bus leaves school
Arrive at Loch Insh for lunch time
Have packed lunch from home
1.30-3.30 Afternoon activity
6.30-8.00 Evening Activity
Bed time
Thursday 6th March
Make own packed lunch
10.00-12.00 Morning activity
1.30-3.30 Afternoon activity
6.30-8.00 Evening Activity
Bed time
Friday 7th March
Make own packed lunch
10.00-12.00 Morning activity
1.00 get on bus back to school
4.00 arrive back at school (traffic dependent). A Groupcall will be sent to confirm arrival time when the bus is closer to Aberdeen.