Outdoor Learning

Learning need not take place solely within educational buildings. Outdoor learning experiences are often remembered for a lifetime. At Glashieburn we aim to integrate learning and outdoor experiences, whether through play in the immediate grounds or adventures further afield, providing relevance and depth to the curriculum in ways that are difficult to achieve indoors.

We aim for learning outdoors to be enjoyable, creative, challenging and adventurous and to help our pupils learn by experience and grow as confident and responsible citizens who value and appreciate the spectacular landscapes, natural heritage and culture of Scotland.

Different outdoor learning experiences offer opportunities for personal and learning skills development in areas such as communication, problem solving, information technology, working with others and thinking skills.

Learning in the outdoors can make significant contributions to Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing. In Literacy there are opportunities to use different texts: the spoken word, charts, maps, timetables and instructions. In Numeracy there are opportunities to measure angles and calculate bearings and journey times. In Health and Wellbeing there are opportunities to become physically active in alternative ways and to improve emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Glashieburn is currently working on the outside provision. Last session classes planned and developed their courtyard spaces, Nursery utilised their 'Wee Green Space', the PTA are helping us develop our playground space and we are looking towards rolling out Loose Parts play across the whole school.