Learning at Home

Learning happens in homes all the time – learning isn’t just limited to the classroom space.

Research tells us when parents are actively in learning together with their children and young people they grow and develop well. This means that you have a great opportunity to learn together as family.

Learning together can also be about:

• Playing board or card games, jigsaw puzzles,

• Lego, reading library books,

• Drawing, painting, making homemade play dough

• Making/upcycling with household junk or doing crafts

• Gardening, baking, making lunch and tidying up

• Helping with housework, folding and sorting washing, cleaning the car

• Making up games and playing the outside in the garden, beach or forest

• Reading stories together talking about favourite characters or make up a story.

Home School Resources/websites

Home Schooling Resources

Learning at Home

Learning at Home Resources

Food a Fact of Life

Types of Play and How they support your Child's Development - from Aberdeen City EPS service

Types of Play and How They Support Your Child's Development.pdf