Emotion Coaching

Aberdeen City Council Educational Psychology Service

Emotion Coaching is an approach for talking to children about the emotions they are experiencing in a way that supports their self-regulation. It involves listening to the child and talking with them about the emotions they are feeling rather than simply trying to distract or dismiss them. Children are still learning how to label and manage the big emotions that they are experiencing, and this can be confusing and scary. Emotion Coaching is an approach to help children name and understand their emotions, as well as teach them ways to handle these emotions in a positive way. Emotion Coaching conversations help children learn how emotions work and how to react to feelings in healthy ways. These discussions will strengthen your relationship with your child and help them be more prepared for life’s challenges.

The Educational Psychology Service are all trained in Emotion Coaching and can deliver this training to school staff and parents/carers. The Educational Psychology Service have collated some information sheets and resources to support parents and carers using Emotion Coaching at home.

Emotion Coaching UK

The Gottman Insitute

Here is an overview of the steps of emotion coaching and an example of an emotion coaching conversation with a child:

Emotion Coaching overview for parents & carers

Four steps of Emotion Coaching for parents & carers

Dr Dan Siegel is an American Child Psychiatrist and author with expertise in brain development and supporting children’s emotional literacy development. Here are some videos outlining how to talk to children about their brains and their emotions:

Dan Seigel – A Handy Model of the Brain

Dan Seigel – Name it to Tame it

Pixar's Inside Out

Pixar’s Inside Out is a great film to watch with children to help teach them about the world of emotions. Here is a video clip from the film illustrating Joy dismissing Bing Bong’s emotions and Sadness successfully ‘Emotion Coaching’ him!

Talking to children about their emotions is key to Emotion Coaching. Here are some guides to talking with children about different emotions:

Blob Tree

Some children find it tricky to talk about emotions. Here is an example of an emotional check-in activity where the child can simply colour in the blob that best represents how they are feeling if they are not yet ready or able to use their words.

Alternative Phrases

If we tell a child to stop crying or calm down, we are not teaching them that emotions are a normal part of life and we are not helping them to manage their emotions. Here are some suggestions for what to say instead.