Careers/Subject Choice Advice

2023 Option choice parent handout.pdf
Flyer for YP and ParentsCarers.pdf

Choice of career is very significant for all 16+ students. A great deal of thought and careful consideration should be given to the very important decisions that have to be made at this stage. The Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Careers Adviser attached to Bucksburn Academy, and in school 2-3 days per week, is Ms Claire Rankine. SDS aim to help pupils understand and develop Career Management Skills to ensure they are successful planners not only in school and as they approach transition points, but throughout their lives. A flexible approach is adopted – use of as well as face to face support from Ms Rankine through group work, drop in clinics, 1:1 interviews and attendance at reviews/meetings as appropriate. Combined with Pupil Support Staff and appropriate classroom teachers, a valuable careers information, advice and guidance service designed to meet all young people’s needs is provided.

Students should be aware of the constantly changing labour market and the impact this can have on competition for employment or continued education (College/University) places.  To be effective planners, consider that:

Further information about SDS is available on

or through Ms Rankine


381 Union Street


AB11 6BT

Tel: 01224 285200
