
at Lindale Middle School

 Dance classes are offered to all students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. There are also extracurricular dance opportunities available to those who want to experience a wider variety of dance styles and performances. 

Benefits of Dance

Physical Health: Dance is a fun way to stay active, build and maintain strength, agility, flexibility, balance, control, and cardiovascular endurance.

Mental Health: Dance is proven to improve your mood, brain function, and confidence. 

Social/Emotional Health: As an inclusive art form and unique social gathering, dance allows for free movement and expression.

Benefits of Dance at LMS

Message from the LMS
Dance Teacher and Company Director,
Jessica Wolfe

Hello! It's my pleasure to bring you as much information about the dance program as possible. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out via email or through Google Voice: 302-404-4940.