School Counseling Site 

The role of school counselor is to address the academic, career and social emotional development of all students with the goal of ensuring that all students are prepared with and have access to the knowledge and skills to contribute at the highest level. We do this through a comprehensive school counseling program that consists of classroom lessons on a variety of developmentally appropriate topics and meeting with individual students on identified topics, as needed. Elementary counselors are partners and consultants with school staff and parents to support all students. 

Message from your School Counselors: 

Hello Crofton Cubs!!

We are so excited for the 2023-2024 school year! We have a new counselor with us this year and he cannot wait to meet you! We are still updating this site all the time with resources for you (Kid Resources) and your families (Parent Resources). Any program updates will be on this home page. Look out for the changes and reach out if you need us! We are here for you. 

- Ms. Connor & Mr. Beckwith

Attention Fifth Grade Parents: 

We have completed our scheduling for next year! If you have any further questions or concerns please see the CMS website. This link will take you to the 6th grade scheduling page. 

Sign up for Free and Reduced-Price Lunch

You can apply online anytime during the school year for free and reduced price meals for your child(ren). Please let us know if you need to complete a paper copy. All of the information provided is confidential. Once the application has been submitted and validated the eligibility status of your student(s) will be sent home. Click here for the online application.