Honors Math 2

Honors Math 2 course policies and cornerstones information

Open this document to view the Honors Math 2 policies and cornerstones information.

Course information and assignments

For details on assignments and course resources, go to our Google Classroom.

Stained glass project resources

At the end of this project, use the folder for your class linked below to upload a screen shot of your design (rename the file so that your name appears first).

After everyone in the class has presented their design, use the form below to assign your creativity ratings (I encourage you to use the screenshots uploaded to the folders to help you decide).

I encourage you to access the following resources as you work on this cornerstone project on creativity:

The following list of sample functions might help you get started in choosing a parent function:

Sample functions

Sample functions document

Sub plans - Tuesday, 4 April 2017 [5W]

Friday Flashback #8 answers

  1. (answers will vary)
  2. 20a³x²(x+2)(x-2)
  3. w(x) = 41/12(x-5) + 40
  4. add 49: (x – 7)²

transforming points HW answers

Check your answers and note in detail questions you have about any of these results.

  1. A'(-2, -4) B'(1, 0) C'(5, -4)
  2. A'(-2, 0) B'(1, -1) C'(5, 0)
  3. A'(1, 0) B'(4, 4) C'(8, 0)
  4. A'(-2, 1) B'(1, 0) C'(5, 1)
  5. A'(-2, -4) B'(1, -5) C'(5, -5)

Desmos transformations explorations and tutorials

Work through all parts of both of these Desmos transformations of functions activities to further your understanding of the notation and mechanics of transforming functions.

Creative homework challenge

Using either Demos or Grapher (on your computer), enter transformations of the function f(x) = sqrt(4-x²) to create a face. It should have two eyes, a nose, and mouth.

Angles around school

Make your contribution to the following collection:

School From Different Angles - period 3

period 3 Angles at School

Area project - cornerstone

As a cornerstone project assessing critical thinking, we will be engaging in Aww, Do We Halve Two?.

Unit 1 Geometry Vocabulary

Period 3

Unit 1 Geometry vocab slides - period 3 2016
Unit 1 Geometry Vocab Sca...nger Hunt - period 3 2016

Period 5W

Unit 1 Geometry vocab slides - period 5W 2016
Unit 1 Geometry Vocab Sca...ger Hunt - period 5W 2016

Linear Programming Show Time! Videos

Follow these steps to upload and submit your video (if you choose to upload your video to somewhere else (e.g., Youtube), then you can jump to step 3).

  1. Make sure your file has a .mov extension (if it's .m4v then simply change it to .mov)
  2. Open this shared Google Drive folder in your Google Drive
Open in Drive
    1. and upload your final movie file into it.
NEW File Upload
  1. Copy the direct link to the movie file and paste it into this submission form
  2. Refresh this page and presto!
  3. Complete the collaboration rating form
Show Time 2017 submission form ‎(Responses)‎