Bienvenue à la classe de Français III!

"Petit à petit l'oiseau fait son nid."

This year, we will continue to work towards greater proficiency in French, building on our knowledge and skills from French I & II. We will work on the three modes of communication, interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive, which will be embedded in the cultures of the Francophone world. Be prepared to use hear a lot of French in class and speak it, too!


As a YHS World Language student you will:

Speak in rehearsed and unrehearsed situations in the target language using appropriate time frames.

Write in rehearsed and unrehearsed situations in the target language using appropriate time frames.

Interpret and understand information in the target language through listening and viewing.

Interpret and understand information in the target language through reading and viewing.

Compare cultural products, practices and perspectives of the target language with your own.

2B Français III-Calendrier des devoirs 4B Français III-Calendrier des devoirs

Maine World Languages Reporting Standards

National World Language Learning Standards

French III Cornerstone Assessments