More Drive - Sheets, Slides & Forms

Google Drive is a free suite of applications that allows you to create, store, share, and collaborate on documents with students and colleagues. Drive has the features you would expect, such as word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation applications, but also includes robust tools for creating student & parent surveys, quizzes, and mind maps. Real-time collaboration is easy with Google Drive’ built in discussion features, commenting, and document versions. Extend the classroom beyond the computer lab with with Google Drive.

Online Resources for Google Sheets, Slides, & Forms:

Online Tutorials

YouTube Videos

  • There are many helpful videos available simply type "Google Apps for Education Forms, Sheets for Slides" in the search bar

User Guides

Teacher Workshop 1/25/13 Presentation Google Drive

(Forms, Spreadsheet, Presentations):

WRSD - Google Drive Presentation #2

Flubaroo works with Google Docs (forms) is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. This takes you to the user guide for Flubaroo.

Teacher Workshop 1/25/13 Handouts & Links Google Drive:

WRSD - Forms Basics
WRSD - Spreadsheet Basics
WRSD - Presentation Basics