
Welcome to 4th grade.


I am hoping that we all adjust to this new way of life as we begin this school year. The information provided is for the beginning of the school year as we work from a remote setting. I am looking forward to getting to know your child through our many conversations on line and hopefully in person-to-person in the future.

November update: We are still remote but doing fine. It has been great to get to know the kids through our screens. I actually spend more time talking one-on-one now than we are in school and I have everyone around me. Everyone is navigating around our schedules and can find their way. They are very good at problem solving as we all have technical issues at one time or another. WIth the holidays upon us, I hope to slow down a little and be thankful for all we have.

January update: We are finally starting our hybrid learning model. It will be exciting to see the majority of students come back to the class and I look forward to spending time with the students at home as well. Everyone has to get use to new time schedules but the good news is that everyone is a pro at navigating the Zoom and Google Meets! I hope for a smooth transition and a safe environment for all!.