Westminster Schools

Physical Education Dept.

Below are the Tabata Stretches for Trimester 2 and Trimester 3 . You can use your own music for Tabata Stretches 20 seconds each stretch then rest for 10 seconds. Stay Moving inside or outside is great! Keep your daily work outs going, remember breathing, and mindfulness work as well. MISS YOU!

Tabata 2nd Trimester.mp4
Tabata 3rd Trimester.mp4

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Welcome to the Physical Education Program

Physical Education class occurs twice per week for 40 minutes. The physical education program is sequential, developmentally appropriate and in alignment with the National Association for Sports and Physical Education. The physical education curriculum and assessments are aligned with Standard 3.6 of the Vermont Framework for Standard and Learning Opportunities and with the Vermont Physical Education Grade Expectations. The majority of physical education class time is spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity. Currently, the PE teacher uses the FitnessGram tests. There is a focus on lifetime physical activity. Children receive instruction in skiing, snowshoeing and skating as well as walking, jump rope, and dance. Sports are also taught during the PE classes, for example: soccer, hockey, and bowling. The children’s safety is of paramount concern and equipment is replaced on a rotating schedule. As one measure of safety, the PE teacher provides mouth guards for students to wear when engaged in activities requiring that level of precaution. We are committed to improving the fitness of our students and do not pull them from PE for other instruction. The curriculum equips students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong physical activity. The curriculum offers students multiple opportunities to engage in a variety of lifetime physical activities. The curriculum builds students’ competencies in their own physical abilities and thus improves their self-confidence. The physical education program is closely coordinated with the overall school health program. Physical education topics are integrated within other curricular areas. In particular, the benefits of being physically active are linked with instruction about human growth, development, and physiology in science classes and with instruction about personal health behaviors in health education classes. Since the completion of the new gym at the Center School there are minimal interruptions to scheduled physical education classes. Students have Physical Education class twice per week and should wear appropriate clothing for fitness activities on those days. This should include appropriate footwear. All children will be required to wear sneakers or non-marking court shoes during indoor physical education class. The physical education program includes all students, unless otherwise contraindicated medically. The physical education teacher has the data on each student’s fitness level,statistics; this information is available to parents on request.

Patricia Gomez

Westminster Schools

301 School Street

Westminster, VT

722-3241 ext.205