Mrs. Stoneton's Kindergarten

Kindergarten is MAGICAL!   

This is going to be so much fun! In addition to more traditional learning activities, our classroom will learn through playing, singing, dancing, pretending, creating & collaborating.

Among the most important things you can reinforce at home from day #1 are letter names, letter sounds, name writing, counting, sorting, rhyming and talking through problems. 

Come meet me at OPEN HOUSE for grades K-5  5:30 - 6:30 on Tuesday, August 29th. Stop in to say hello and see our classroom and tour the buildings to meet other teachers who will also be working with your child.....library, art, music, gym, etc. 

Summer letters will have lots more information.  Please be looking for them in the mail soon!

Please click on the side bar (the 3 small horizontal lines) by the heading at the top of this page to find a complete list of this year's snap words.  Working on reading and spelling these words at home will support your child's learning so much! My weekly newsletters will let you know what words we are introducing each week.

Please email me anytime!  Working together enriches your child's learning tremendously!: 

I am looking forward to working with your child (and YOU!) this year.

TRULY,   Holly Stoneton

Here are a few resources your kindergartener may enjoy at home: