Mrs. Koehn's 3rd Grade

A Message from Nurse Jessica:

Hand washing is the single most important thing to do to prevent illness!

When to wash your hands:

*before and after using the restroom,

*before and after contact with someone who is sick or large groups of people

*after coughing, sneezing and/or blowing you nose-always cover with a tissue or into elbow or sleeve

*before and after eating/handling food

*after playing outside

*after petting a pet, handling their food or cleaning up after them

*If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer

***Remember to keep your hands away from your face… Germs on your hands get in your body when you touch your eyes, nose, and/or mouth. When washing your hands count to 20, sing Row Row Row Your Boat or Happy Birthday 2x J


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