WCPSS Grants Process

Welcome to the Office of Grants!

Perhaps you have a great idea, and need a little funding to make your idea a reality. Maybe you’ve never written a grant before, and need some information about the process. Or perhaps you want to identify funders who might be interested in your project. The Office of Grants is here to help you. This site is designed to familiarize you with the WCPSS grants process and help you research grants and opportunities that will be a fit for your school.  Information about grants and the WCPSS grants process is available here (use the dropdown menu in the upper right corner), on the Office of Grants Intranet site and in the Office of Grants Canvas course (staff can self-enroll).   Take a look around, and don’t hesitate to call us if you need additional assistance.   To get you started, here's a quick overview of the basic WCPSS grants process:

1. Start with an idea.

Talk with your principal and peers to consider important questions:

2. Identify funding sources.

Check our Intranet page for a list of current and upcoming opportunities by topic, as well as grant opportunities already approved by the Board of Education.

3. Let us know you intend to apply.

Before you apply, please work with your Principal or School Grant Contact to complete and submit an Intent to Apply form. We’ll use the information to gain approval from the Board of Education.

4. Begin your grant application.

Once the Board of Education approves the proposed grant program, you may submit your proposal. Please send us a copy of your application materials for our records.

5. Did you win the grant? Let us know!

Send us a copy of the award notification letter with the amount of funding and any special conditions that come with it. We’ll guide you through how to document and manage the funds.