A.P. United States History

Course Description

AP United States History is a class designed to teach students the major themes, issues, and problems of the United States from its beginning to the present. In addition to learning about America, students will need to show proficiency in their ability to analyze historical evidence, interpret that evidence, and then express their understanding in writing. The class represents the equivalent of a college level course in a high school environment.

AP Exam

Students who take this class are expected to complete the AP US History exam at the end of the course. The credit earned here for a small fee is minuscule compared to the thousands of dollars it will take to pass the same course in college. The AP Exam consists of the following sections:

Section I

Part A: Multiple Choice, 55 questions, 4 choices per question based on a primary or secondary source, 55 minutes, 40% of the overall score

Part B: Short Answer Questions (SAQ), 3 questions answered out of four options, 3 sub-questions for each of the 4, answered in a couple of sentences each, 40 minutes, 20% of the overall score

15 minute break

Section II

Part A: Document Based Question (DBQ), 1 question, answered in long essay (approx. 5 paragraphs) format using 7 historical documents in the analysis of the question, 60 minutes, 25% of the overall score

Part B: Long Essay Question (LEQ), 1 question chosen from three options, answered in long essay format, 35 minutes, 15% of the overall score

For more detailed information about the AP test you can visit the College Board website for the APUSH Test. The Khan Academy website also has descriptions of APUSH test skills and questions at the Khan Academy website.


Grades in college history classes are usually based solely on tests and essays throughout the semester; this class will follow a similar format. Grades in this class will be evaluated on the following criteria:

    1. Assignments (15%): Most grades in this category come from completing the binder and study guides.
    2. Tests & Essays (60%): All assessments are modeled off of the AP test sections listed above.
    3. Final Exam (25%): The final exam for each semester will be a simulation of the AP Test.

Instructor: Tarran Johnson-LeMieux Email: johnsot@wbsdweb.com

Woodhaven High School Phone: 734-783-3333

Brownstown, Michigan