Hour of Code

Computer Science Matters! The Hour of Code is a world-wide event sponsored by code.org to get millions of people to code.

The week of December 3-9 is Computer Science Education Week & people across the globe are learning how to program computers! The students at Santapogue are joining in too! By learning coding, students are developing their problem-solving skills, logic and creativity.

Students are invited & encouraged to further explore on their own - many of these coding programs are available on computers and apps on tablets & phones. And for a little inspiration...check out this 12 year old that has created apps for sale in the Apple App Store.

LOG IN - go to google classroom & use the link to login.

Tutorials used during Hour of Code

Want more? Tutorials & Courses beyond an Hour

Three beginner courses

And a K-8 Intro to Computer Science course

And Khan Academy's videos & courses on Computer Programming