3rd: Colonial Jobs

Welcome Third Grade Researchers!

This page contains a list of resources available for your colonial occupations research.

Sites with info about many trades:

Colonial Williamsburg

Colonial Williamsburg - trades - text with pictures

Colonial Williamsburg - slide shows

Colonial Williamsburg - videos - must scroll through a lot of videos to find topics

Colonial Williamsburg - YouTube channel

Colonial Williamsburg - Tools of the Trade: slideshow of tools used by different occupations

Colonial Williamsburg - Colonial Merchant Sign Matching Game (hard - geared towards kids who have visited)

NH Public Television Video Work in Colonial Times (19min) (have not watched all of it. older - poor sound quality)

This dramatized story of a colonial boy, Nathan, and of his trip to the city of Portsmouth, gives a picture of everyday life in a colonial home and a look at the various kinds of work done by the people of that time period.

Historic New England - Colonial Trades packet - includes info about occupations, including images, in slideshow format

PBS - Colonial House series


Ducksters - content written by Georgia Tech engineer with interest in history (ads)

Winnetka School District Colonial trades site - lots of links, most of which on this page

Mr. Nussbaum - content written by elementary teacher