Marcel J. Castro-Sitiriche
Center for Hemispherical Cooperation in Research and Education in Engineering and Applied Science (CoHemis) -
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering -
College of Engineering -
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez -
Call Box 9000, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681
Fulbright Scholar 2014-2015, Adjunct Faculty 2015-2020
The School of Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Science -
Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology -
PO BOX 447, Arusha, Tanzania
I am an aspiring Energy Justice Engineer, professor of Electrical Engineering and co-director of the Center for Hemispherical Cooperation in Research and Education in Engineering and Applied Science (CoHemis) at the University of Puerto Rico in the Mayagüez Campus, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (UPRM-RUM). My research efforts include academic, educational and service activities. Some of my areas of interest include resilience justice, energy justice engineering, appropriate technology, renewable energy systems, rural electrification, power electronics, and responsible wellbeing.
Major Funded Projects:
Oasis de Luz 2.0: Puerto Rico Resiliency Hubs -
Link to DOE announcement -
Dates: 2023-2025
WCRP: Whole Community Resilient Planning - (FPR site -
Dates: 2022-2025
pr100: Opportunities for Distributed Solar to Improve Resilience and Energy Justice in Puerto Rico - (DOE site
Link to Resilience Energy Justice Map Dashboard -
Dashboards -
Link to Department of Energy Announcement (slide #19) -
Dates: 2022-2023
Puerto Rican Solar Business Accelerator -
Link to Economic Development Agency Announcement (Award# 01-79-14864) -
Dates: 2019-2022
Developing Socially and Economically Generative, Resilient PV-Energy Systems for Low- and Moderate-Income Communities: Applications to Puerto Rico -
Link to Department of Energy Award Announcement -
Dates: 2019-2022
Cultivating Responsible Wellbeing in STEM: Social Engagement through Personal Ethics
Link to National Science Foundation Award Abstract -
Dates: 2014-2020
GREAT-IDEA Project: Graduate Research and Education for Appropriate Technology: Inspiring Direct Engagement and Agency
Project Website -
Link to National Science Foundation Award Abstract -
Dates: 2010-2015
Technical Reports:
Yiamar Rivera-Matos, Angel Echevarria, Valeria T. Rivera Martinez, Juan Colon, Fan Yang, Jose L. Frau, Itza Hernandez, Arnaldo Colon, Adriana Torres, Reiner F Simshauser Arroyo, Nafeesa Irshad, Alexander Routhier, Clark Miller, Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, Fabio Andrade, Elisabeth Graffy, Christiana Honsberg, Richard King, Kristin Mayes, Marla Perez Lugo, Cecilio Ortiz Garcia, The Evolving Solar Energy InnovationEcosystem in Puerto Rico, first year project report from the project “Developing socially and economically generative, resilient PV-energy systems for low- and moderate-income communities: Applications for Puerto Rico", sponsored by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy under the Solar Energy Technology Office of the Department of Energy, March, 2021.
Book Chapters:
Marcel Castro Sitiriche, "Alternativas Energéticas para Jurutungo", in Carmen M. Rivera Villegas, Alexandra Morales Reyes, and Rocío Luque. Verdor que clama. Medioambiente, lengua y literatura. Flamboyán, 2022 .
Ahmed Rubaai, Paul Young, Abdul Ofoli, Marcel J. Castro-Sitiriche, "Fuzzy Logic Applications in Electrical Drives and Power Electronics", In: Muhammad H. Rashid, Ph.D., Editor(s), Power Electronics Handbook (Third Edition), Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, 2011, Pages 1115-1137, ISBN 978-0-12-382036-5, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-382036-5.00037-9.(
Journal Papers:
Clark, Sarah, Zack Guido, Laura T. Cabrera-Rivera, Pablo Méndez-Lázaro, Ben McMahan, Federico Cintrón Moscoso, Wanda I. Crespo-Acevedo, and Marcel Castro-Sitiriche. "Stakeholder engagement strategies to build resilience to compound hazards: Engaging community-based organizations in research." Climate Risk Management(2025): 100693.
Pacheco-Cano, Willian A., Carlos A. Peña-Becerra, and Marcel Castro-Sitiriche. "Boricua Energy Justice Visualization." Energies 18, no. 1 (2024): 72.
García-Cooper, Robert A., Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, Agustín Irizarry-Rivera, and Fabio Andrade-Rengifo. "True cost of electric service: What reliability metrics alone fail to communicate." The Electricity Journal 37, no. 3 (2024): 107386.
Echevarria, A., Rivera-Matos, Y., Irshad, N., Gregory, C., Castro-Sitiriche, M., King, R. R., & Miller, C. A., "Unleashing Sociotechnical Imaginaries to Advance Just and Sustainable Energy Transitions: The Case of Solar Energy in Puerto Rico," in IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 255-268, Sept. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TTS.2022.3191542. Open access at -
Ortiz, Samira; Ndoye, Mandoye; Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel. 2021. "Satisfaction-Based Energy Allocation with Energy Constraint Applying Cooperative Game Theory" Energies 14, no. 5: 1485. Open access at - Part of the Special Issue on Energy Data Analytics for Smart Meter Data -
A. Kwasinski, F. Andrade, M. J. Castro-Sitiriche and E. O’Neill-Carrillo, "Hurricane Maria Effects on Puerto Rico Electric Power Infrastructure," in IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 85-94, March 2019.
Nyari, E.A., Castro-Sitiriche, M. and Park, S.E. "An Experimental Study of Electrical Appliances Consumption Using Panel Meter Data". Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 5, 132-144, 2017,
Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel J., Luis Jiménez-Rodríguez; "Responsible Wellbeing and Energy Threshold". ETHOS Gubernamental: Revista del Centro para el Desarrollo del Pensamiento Ético, Oficina de Ética Gubernamental, No. VII, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pp. 64-126, June 2014. ISSUU
Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel J., Mandoye Ndoye; “On The Links Between Sustainable Wellbeing And Electric Energy Consumption”, African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (AJSTID), Taylor & Francis, 2013, weblink.
Verharen, C., J. Tharakan, G. Middendorf, M. Castro-Sitiriche, and G. Kadoda; "Introducing Survival Ethics into Engineering Education and Practice", Science and Engineering Ethics, Springer, Online First™, 8 December 2011 PDF, html
A. Rubaai, M.J. Castro-Sitiriche, A. Ofoli; “DSP-Based Laboratory Implementation of Hybrid Fuzzy-PID Controller Using Genetic Optimization for High Performance Motor Drives”; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 44 pp. 1977-1986, Nov-Dec. 2008. PDF
A. Rubaai, M.J. Castro-Sitiriche, A. Ofoli; “Design and Implementation of Parallel Fuzzy PID Controller for High Performance Brushless Motor Drives: An Integrated Environment for Rapid Control”; IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 44 pp. 1090-1098 July-Aug. 2008. PDF
A. Rubaai, M.J. Castro-Sitiriche, M. Garuba, and L. Burge; “Implementation of Artificial Neural Network-Based Tracking Controller for High Performance Stepper Motor Drives”; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, pp. 218-227 Feb. 2007. PDF
Tharakan, J., Castro, M., Trimble, J., Stephenson, B., and Verharen, C.(2005) “Diversifying Engineering Education: A Seminar Course on Ethics and Philosophy of Appropriate Teaching,” Global Journal of Engineering Education, Australia, 2005, UICEE (1-7). PDF
Conference Papers:
Javier Moscoso, Pablo Méndez, Willian Pacheco, Carlos Peña, Alexis Burgos, Miguel de Jesús, Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, “Boricua Energy Justice as a Humanitarian Claim”, IEEE International Humanitarian Technologies Conference (IHTC) 2023, Cartagena, Colombia, November 2, 2023.
Robert García-Cooper, Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, Agsutín Irizarry-Rivera, Fabio Andrade-Rengifo, “Distributed Generation Component Placement and Point of Common Coupling Allocation for Solar Rooftop Microgrid Sizing Cost Minimization”, IEEE-PVSC50, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 14, 2023. pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PVSC48320.2023.10359873
Robert García-Cooper, Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel, “Renewable Energy ALgorithm Tool for Rural Electrification and Appropriate Technology (REAL-TREAT)”, Conference Proceedings of the International Conference on Appropriate Technology 2022, pages 290-302, Khartoum, Sudan, November 24, 2022. Open access at -
Silva Diaz, P. C., & Favretti, M., & Ospina Uribe, N., & Papadopoulos, C., & Castro-Sitiriche, M., & Seijo-Maldonado, L. R., & Irizarry, M., & Moscoso, J., & Otero-Andino, G. A., & Crespo Pagan, K. O., & Garcia Canto, L. S., & Amato, G., & Cuevas, F. A., & del Rio-Pineda, D. M., & Simshauser-Arroyo, R. F. (2021, July), Community Designers: A Pilot Virtual Community Codesign Symposium Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. 10.18260/1-2--36816 -
Ortiz, S., M. Ndoye and M. Castro-Sitiriche, “Toward an Energy Threshold Hypothesis Model for Social Benefit and Household Energy Usage”, International Conference on Appropriate Technology 2020, Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 346-355, November 23-27, 2020.
Ortiz, S., M. Castro-Sitiriche and I. Amador, “Energy threshold hypothesis for household consumption”, Conferencia Internacional sobre Tecnologías aplicadas a las Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes (CITREI 2018), La Habana, Cuba, November 2018.
Jordan-Forty, I., S. Ortiz, and M. Castro-Sitiriche, “Non-intrusive demand response for microgrids”, Conferencia Internacional sobre Tecnologías aplicadas a las Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes (CITREI 2018), La Habana, Cuba, November 2018.
Castro-Sitiriche, M., J. Gomez, Y. Cintrón, “The Longest Power Blackout in History and Energy Poverty”, International Conference on Appropriate Technology 2018, Porto-Novo, Benin, November 2018.
Ortiz, S., M. Ndoye and M. Castro-Sitiriche, "Load Monitoring and Benefit Assessment," Clemson University power System Conference 2018, Charleston, South Carolina, September 4-7, 2018. URL
Ortiz, S., M. Ndoye, E. A. Nyari, E. Park and M. Castro-Sitiriche, "Rural Microgrid Load Profile Benefit Assessment," 2018 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, Cape Town, South Africa, 2018, pp. 675-680. doi: 10.1109/PowerAfrica.2018.8520964. URL
Nyari, E.A., Castro-Sitiriche, M. and Park, S.E. "Development of Demand-Side Management Strategies using Panel Meter and End user Feedback Information", International Conference on Energy and Sustainability, Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology Arusha, Tanzania, August, 2017.
Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel J., Jonathan Ozik; “Rural Electrification Pathways to Wellbeing”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Appropriate Technology: Knowledge and Technology Transfer Session, Nairobi, Kenya, pages 54-63, November 2014 - Full text.
Papadopoulos, Christopher; Frey, William; Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel; Rodríguez, Joan; Santiago, Jeffrey; Medina, Tyrone; Maldonado, Ricardo; Rivera-Vélez, Cristina; Chacón-Hurtado, Davis; Acevedo, Pablo J. (2014) “Sponsoring Research in Appropriate Technology”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 2014. PDF and link to conference session.
Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel J., Gerson Beauchamp-Báez, Luis Jiménez-Rodríguez; "Solar Microgrids and Energy Poverty: Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Wellbeing and Technology Justice Assessment". Proceedings of the 12th World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition (WWEC), La Habana, Cuba, June 2013.
Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel J., Mandoye Ndoye; “Subjective Wellbeing and Sustainability: A Data Driven Look at Global Electric Energy Consumption”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Appropriate Technology, Pretoria, South Africa, pages 141-148, November 2012. PDF
Maldonado, R.; Gomez, C.; Castro-Sitiriche, M.J.; "Simulation, design, hardware implementation, and control of a 9-level Flying Capacitor Multilevel Inverter with Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm," 2012 IEEE 13th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL), 10-13 June 2012. PDF
Frey, William; Papadopoulos, Christopher; Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel; Zevallos, Fátima; Echevaría, Denisse; “On Integrating Appropriate Technology Responsive to Community Capabilities: A Case Study from Haiti”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, June 2012. PDF
Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel; Papadopoulos, Christopher; Frey, William; Huyke, Hector; , "Sustainable Wellbeing Education in Engineering," 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), 16-18 May 2012. PDF
Castro-Sitiriche, M., C. Papadopoulos, and H. Huyke, “WIP: Interdisciplinary Integration of Philosophy of Technology.” In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, DC, October, 2010, pp. S3J-1-S3J-3, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2010.5673224. PDF
Castro-Sitiriche, M., E. O’Neill-Carrillo, C. Papadopoulos, C. Pomales, A. Santiago, J. Seguel, “WIP: Leveraging on Accreditation Activities to Foster Innovation in Engineering Education.” In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, DC, October 2010. PDF
Castro-Sitiriche, M.J., C. Papadopoulos and H.J. Huyke, “Creating Interdisciplinary Forums in Philosophy of Technology at UPRM”, Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET 2010), Golden, CO, May 2010. PDF
Ortiz-Rivera, E.I. and Castro-Sitiriche, M.; “Integration of Hands on Laboratory Experience of Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Applications: Work in Progress”; In Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX, October 18-21, 2009. PDF
A. Rubaai, M.J. Castro-Sitiriche, A. Ofoli; “DSP-Based Implementation of Fuzzy-PID Controller Using Genetic Optimization for High Performance Motor Drives”; IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 2007, 42th IAS Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 23-27 Sept. 2007. PDF
A. Rubaai, A. Ofoli, M. Castro; “dSPACE DSP-based Rapid Prototyping of Fuzzy PID Controls for High Performance Brushless Servo Drives”; IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 2006, 41th IAS Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL. 8-12 Oct. 2006. PDF
A. Rubaai, M. Castro; “Experimental Implementation of an Adaptive Neural Network Tracking Controller for Motion Control of Step Motors”; IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 2005, 40th IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2005, Volume 1, 2-6 Oct. 2005 Pages: 693–699.PDF
Tharakan, J, M. Castro, J. Trimble, D. Schwartzman, B Stephenson, T Broome and C Verharen, “Broadening the horizons of student: An elective Seminar Course on the Ethics and Philosophy of Appropriate Technology,” Proc. 8th UICEE Ann. Conf. Engg. Educ, Kingston, Jamaica, February 2005. PDF
Clark, Sarah and Guido, Zack and Cabrera-Rivera, Laura Teresa and Méndez-Lázaro, Pablo and McMahan, Ben and Moscoso, Federico Cintrón and Crespo-Acevedo, Wanda I. and Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel, Stakeholder Engagement Strategies to Build Resilience to Compound Hazards: Engaging Community-Based Organizations in Research. Preprint. Available at SSRN: or
Marcel J. Castro-Sitiriche, Agustín A. Irizarry-Rivera, Lionel Orama-Exclusa, Eduardo A. Lugo-Hernández, “Resilience Energy Justice and Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Mitigation Alternatives”, Results from the PR100 UPRM Team, November, 2023.
Eduardo A. Lugo-Hernández, Marcel J. Castro-Sitiriche, Agustín A. Irizarry-Rivera, Lionel Orama-Exclusa, “Comprehensive survey of residential photovoltaic systems in Puerto Rico”, Results from the PR100 UPRM Team, November, 2023.
Agustín A. Irizarry-Rivera, Marcel J. Castro-Sitiriche, Lionel Orama-Exclusa, Eduardo A. Lugo-Hernández, “Distributed rooftop solar photovoltaic generation adoption in Puerto Rico”, Results from the PR100 UPRM Team, November, 2023.
Lionel Orama-Exclusa, Agustín Irizarry-Rivera, Marcel J. Castro-Sitiriche, Eduardo Lugo-Hernández, “Distributed rooftop solar photovoltaic plus batteries cost in Puerto Rico”, Results from the PR100 UPRM Team, November, 2023.
Marcel Castro Sitiriche, "Anotaciones relacionadas a la ponencia en las vistas públicas del Plan Integrado de Recursos de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica", Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, 22 de febrero de 2020, Enlace al audio de vista pública - Enlace a video de ponencia -
Lionel R. Orama Exclusa, Marcel Castro Sitiriche, "Comentario público sometido por INESI-UPR", Plan Integrado de Recursos de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica, 3 de marzo de 2020,
Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, "Alternativas energéticas para el Jurutungo", Tribuna Invitada, El Nuevo Día, viernes 22 de marzo de 2019, versión impresa y electrónica -
Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, Household Emergency Preparedness: Decentralized Community Power for Puerto Rico, Power Policy Brief No. 1, Native Power Research Group, University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez, April, 2019.
Lissette Rolón-Collazo y Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, "Secreteo y mantengo en las exenciones contributivas para los ricos: ¿hasta cuándo?", 80grados, 9 de noviembre de 2018 -
Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, "Con amor para la AEE", Tribuna Invitada, El Nuevo Día, martes 13 de febrero de 2018, versión electrónica -
Erick E. Aponte, Marcel Castro Sitiriche, Agustín A. Irizarry Rivera, Efraín O'Neill Carrillo, Lionel R. Orama Exclusa, Eduardo I. Ortiz Rivera, "Written Testimony to the Financial Oversight and Management Board", Listening Session on the Future of Puerto Rico’s Electric Utility, 1 de febrero de 2018, -
Erick E. Aponte, Marcel Castro Sitiriche, Agustín A. Irizarry Rivera, Efraín O'Neill Carrillo, Lionel R. Orama Exclusa, Eduardo I. Ortiz Rivera, "Letter to Judge Taylor Swain", US District Court, 30 de julio de 2017, -
Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, "La UPR reclama en el Tribunal Federal", Tribuna Invitada, El Nuevo Día, martes 11 de julio de 2017, versión electrónica -
Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, Section II - Sustainable Fiscal Scenarios for the UPR, lead author of section, Sustainable Fiscal Plan for the UPR, June 2017 -
José Caraballo Cueto, Marcel Castro Sitiriche, “Scenario I: Re-distribution of the Greater Weight of Government Investment Reduction to Credits and Private Tax Incentives”, in Section II - Sustainable Fiscal Scenarios for the UPR, Sustainable Fiscal Plan for the UPR, June 2017 -
Marcel Castro Sitiriche, “Scenario II: Compliance with Act No. 2 of 1966 as Amended (9.6%)”, in Section II - Sustainable Fiscal Scenarios for the UPR, Sustainable Fiscal Plan for the UPR, June 2017 -
Marcel Castro Sitiriche, “B. UPR’s Alumni Contribution”; in Section III - Additional Sources of Income for the UPR, Sustainable Fiscal Plan for the UPR, June 2017 -
Junta de APRUM, "Nivia Fernández y Ricardo Rosselló: su deber con la UPR", Tribuna Invitada, El Nuevo Día, martes 23 de mayo de 2017, versión electrónica -
Marcel Castro-Sitiriche, "UNITED", 80grados, 14 de abril de 2017 -
Amador, Isamar; Angélica Valdés; Marcel Castro-Sitiriche; “Bienestar y Desigualdad: En Borikén y a Nivel Global”, III Congreso de la Sociedad Mesoamericana de Economía Ecológica (COSMEE), Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, Noviembre 2016. resumen
Castro-Sitiriche, Marcel J., Eugene Park, Emanuela Colombo; “Native Power and Local Empowerment”, ANSOLE News, No. 3, pages 9-11, December 2014 - PDF
Academic Endeavor Portal:
Organization and planning of academic, research and service activities for the betterment of the local Boricua community and the global society.