
Trifa Abdalla Mahmood

Welcome to my Academic Profile page.

My name is Trifa Abdalla Mahmood. 

I am a lecturer with  

 M.B.Ch.B., MSc in  respiratory physiology, and a Ph.D. degree in gastrointestinal  Physiology, teaching in the College of Medicine at the University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

e-mail: trifa.mahmood@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: (+964) - 07701470657

I teach these topics at my college:

Theory Lectures on:

1. gastrointestinal physiology.

2. Respiratory physiology

3. physiology of the urinary system and acid-base balance.

 Small Group Discussion (Group teaching) in all physiology-related sessions including the following modules: Medical Physics, Metabolism, Membrane and Receptor, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Urinary, and GIT system Modules

And Clinical skill module

My research interests focus on;

1. gastrointestinal physiology

2. Respiratory physiology

3. Cardiac electrophysiology

4. Medical Education