شێوه انور فقێ محمود
شێوه انور فقێ محمود
Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is
Shewa Anwar Faqe Mahmood
Shewa Anwar Faqe Mahmood
. I am a Lecturer with a Ph.D. degree in Soil Microbiology , teaching in the School of Science at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, Iraq .
Publications: 5 Jour. Articles + 2 Conf. paper
Mobile: (+964) - 07702281111
I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.
1. General Botany
2. Archegonia
3-General Biology
4- Advanced Botany
5- Plant Biotechnology
6-Environmental Microbiology
My research interests focus on;
1. Anatomy of plant
2. Plant taxonomy- chemo taxonomy
3- Antimicrobial activity
4- Methods of plant extraction
5- Methods of bacterial extraction
6- Soil Microbiology