
Dr. Sherko Saeed F. Zmnako

Welcome to my Academic Profile page.

My name is:

Dr. Sherko Saeed Fathullah Zmnako

and I am an assistant professor holding the Master's Degree of Science in Otolaryngology, teaching in the

Department of surgery

School of Medicine

University of Sulaimani

Kurdistan Region,

F.R. Iraq


M. Sc. Thesis

A prospective Study of Tinnitus Aurium in Arbil Governorate Dec.1996-Nov.1997.

Other publications

1- 2010 Use of rigid bronchoscopy in the management of children with suspected foreign body inhalation (Kurdistan academic journal 2009/2010,7,8partA(37-38)

2- 2008 Evaluation of horsness of voice by use of flexible nasopharyngoscopy (First scientific congress of Hawler medical university May 2008)

3- 2006 Prophylactic Versus Theraputic Antibiotic use for Tonsillectomy(KAJ) Kurdistan Academians journal4(1)partA(87-94)

4- 2001 Removal Ear Wax by Suction versus Syringing Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani(JZS)PartA Vol.4(2) 29-33

E-mail: sherko.fathullah@univsul.edu.iq


Mobile: +964(0)7701585343

I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1. Basic otolaryngology

2. Laryngology

3. Rhinology

4. Otology

My research interests focus on;

1. Neurotology

2. otology