
Shareef Ali Abdulmohammed " Shareef Hazhariy"

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his nickname is: Shareef Hazhariy.

He obtained bachelor of History and He was first student among 81 students in Department of History in the College of Humanities at Sulaimani University during (2004-2008). After that He became Assistant Researcher in the history department during (2009-2010), and then He won scholarship from KRG Government in 2011, and He went to the UK to continue studying master.

He has gained Master with Merit in History at University of London in the UK during (2012-2014). His Master Dissertation was about:' The English Policy and Strategy in American Colonies 'Jamestown colony' 1607-1625.

Now he is a lecturer in the History Department at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region.

Publications: He has written and published seven books, and also he has written hundreds articles about “American Policy, Middle East Issues especially ‘Turkey, Iraq and Iran cases’ in the Kurdish Newspapers and Websites.

His E-mail is: : shareef.abdul@univsul.edu.iq and shareef_ali85@yahoo.com

His facebook is: Shareef Hazhariy

Mobile: +964(0)7701210687

He teach several topics in the History Department, i.e.

1. History Text in the English language

2. Modern British History

3. American History in the English language

His research interests focus on;

1. The British Empire.

2. American History.

3. Middle East Issues.