Academic Profile

Dr.Rozhgar Bayez Saeed

Qualification: Ph.D.

Position: lecturer

Profession : poultry nutrition

Address: University of Sulaimani / Faculty of Agricultural Sciences / Department of Animal production

Email Address:

(+964) - 7701549493

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


Outline Biography

was born in sulaimani Iraq in 1978. She received the BSc. degree in college of Agriculture from sulaimani University, Iraq, in 2000, and the MSc degree in animal production at the same college, in 2006. He had a PhD. degree in Food hygiene from the college of Agriculture , University of Sulimani, Kurdistan, Iraq, in 2012.

In 2000, she joined the Department of Animal production, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaimani, became an assistant lecturer. her current research interests include poultry production and nutrition.

Research Interests

Rozhgar research interest includes the following fields;

1. Poultry nutrition

2. poultry production