Welcome to my Academic Profile page.

 My name is Ronak Mohammed Abdullah

I have Ph.D. degree in Mathematics of Numerical Optimization graduated from  the university of Sulaimai-College of Science-Mathematics department

I am a Lecturer in the Mathematics Department -  College of Science  at  the University of Sulaimani Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq.  

Publications: 11 papers 

+1 Conf. paper

email: runak.abdullah@univsul.edu.iq

 Mobile: (+964)7701585628

University of Sulaimani - Qlyasan New Campus-

 Mathematics Department 

Room 2032

I teach several topics at my college, i.e.

1. Optimization Theory

2. Advanced Numerical Optimization

3-Operations Research

4- Graph Theory

5- Foundations of Mathematics

My research interests focus on;

1. Numerical Optimization

2. Nonlinear programming problems

3- Multi-objective Optimization