
Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Rezhin Dhahir Fatah. I am an Assistant Lecturer with a MSc degree in Accounting and finance. I am a Phd student in my third year at university of Sulaimani. I teach at the College of Administration & Economics / Accounting department at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region.


Publications:  several research topics are under process 

e-mail: rezhin.fatah@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: (+964) -7701458820

I teach several topics including 

1. Principle of Accounting 

2. Advanced accounting 

3- Cost Accounting

4- Managerial Accounting 

My Google Scholar


My research interests focus on;

1. Corporate Governance Mechanisms and company performance

2. Financial analysis

3. Managerial accounting

4- Accounting Information analysis in decision making 

5. Material flow cost accounting

6- Creative accounting

7- Intellectual Capital and firm value