
“The word agriculture, after all, does not mean "agriscience," much less "agribusiness." It means "cultivation of land." And cultivation is at the root of the sense both of culture and of the cult. The ideas of tillage and worship are thus joined in culture. And these words all come from an Indo-European root meaning both "to revolve" and "to dwell." To live, to survive on the earth, to care for the soil, and to worship, all are bound at the root of the idea of a cycle. It is only by understanding the cultural complexity and largeness of the concept of agriculture that we can see the threatening diminishments implied by the term "agribusiness."    (Wendell Berry )

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is  Rezhen Harun M. Rashid and  I am an

 Assistant Professor, holding (Ph.D.) degree in Marketing Management in Agriculture & Water Resources/ Non- Market Valuation, College of Agricultural Sciences Engineering at the University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq


E-mail: rezhen.rashid@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: +964(0)7701586203

I teach several topics in my faculty, i.e.

1. Principles of Agricultural Economy

2.  Agriculture and Food Marketing

3. Economics of Natural Resources

4. Farm Business Management

5. Agricultural Policy 

6. Water Management

My research interests focus on;

1. Rural Development 

2. Sustainable in Agriculture

3. Economics of Natural Resources

4. Value Chain