
Dr. Rangeen Othman Salih

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. I am Dr. Rangeen Othman Salih, a lecturer holding (PhD) degree in Biophysics. I teach at the College of Education at the University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq. I also serve as the Head of the Physics Department, where I oversee academic programs and guide research initiatives. 

Publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZfpcXSIAAAAJ&hl=en

E-mail: rangeen.salih@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: +964(0)7725267454

Research Interests

My research interest includes the following fields;

1.  Computer simulations of Biomolecules and proteins

2. Particle physics especially Neutrino physics

3.  Applications of  nanophotonics and bio-nanosensor

4.  Thermal and optical properties of nanosheets and nanoparticles

5. Computer simulations of Graphene-nanosheet