Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Mahmood Othman Ahmed
I am a Lecturer with a PhD degree in Genetics / Cytogenetics, teaching in college of Science at University of Sulaimani - Kurdistan Region.
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e-mail: mahmood.ahmed@univsul.edu.iq
Mobile Asia: (+964) - 0770 1428313
I teach several topics at my College:
1. Medical Genetics / 4th stage B.Sc. Student
2. Cell Biology/ 3rd stage B.Sc. Student
3- Medical Genetics/4th stage B.Sc. students
4-Advanced Cytogenetics M.Sc. and PhD students
5- Teratology M.Sc. Students
6-Adv. cell Biology M.Sc. students
My research interests focus on;
1. Genotoxicity & cytotoxicity of Natural & synthetic products using mostly fruit flies and albino mice as experimental animals.
2.Medical genetics & Genetic diagnosis of inhereted disease